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Strengthening and expanding eco-innovations are a key requirement to transform Europe into a resource-efficient and sustainable region. SERI analyses the eco-innovation performance in European countries and develops options how eco-innovations can support the required systemic transition of our societies.

Eco-innovations help us to create products while using less natural ressources, and therefore reduce the environmental impact. They can be realised in different forms, including the introduction of new or significantly improved products (goods or services), or production processes which are more resource efficient. But eco-innovations are not only about new technologies. They benefit a greater systemic change - in the ways how companies are managed, how services are offered, and how we consume products. They therefore also include social innovations, which refer to changes in values and behaviours.

Eco-innovations play a key role in implementing SERI’s overall objectives, which aim at increasing well-being of people while drastically reducing the natural resource use of our production and consumption activities. In projects on eco-innovation, SERI analyses eco-innovation activities in different European countries, elaborates drivers and barriers for the implementation of eco-innovations in companies and elaborates concrete suggestions for a policy framework, which supports exploiting the environmental, economic and social potentials of eco-innovations.

Our flagship project is the Eco-Innovation Observatory (EIO). We invite companies and organisations to engage in this project.

Eco-innovation projects:
Eco-Innovation Observatory (EIO)
The European Eco-Innovation Observatory provides a comprehensive information source on eco-innovation in Europe for policy makers and business.
For more information click here.

Environment and Innovation (EU INNO)
New environmental concepts and technologies and their implications for shaping the future EU environmental policies.
For more information click here.

EcoInnovation. Putting the EU on the path to a resource and energy efficient economy.
A study for the European Parliament on how the EU can reduce its needs for resources and energy and create innovative business solutions through eco-innovation.
For more information click here.

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