Category Archives: Economy

Arbeitszeitverkürzung - gut für Beschäftigung und Umwelt?

1930 prognostizierte John Maynard Keynes in seinem Essay „Economic Possibilities for our Grandchildren”, dass sich die Wirtschaftsleistung innerhalb von 100 Jahren um das vier- bis achtfache erhöhen würde. Das „wirtschaftliche Problem“ sei bis dahin gelöst, sodass eine wöchentliche Arbeitszeit von 15 Stunden pro Woche ausreichen würde, um die Bedürfnisse der Menschen zu befriedigen. Durch die gewonnene Freizeit hätten [...]

The german “Handelsblatt” takes up the results of a SERI study.

The SERI-GWS Study “Implications of a persistent low growth path – A Scenario Analysis“ is even further disseminated and discussed.
After publishing this project in Empirica, the german “Handelsblatt” wrote an article with the fitting title “The limits of growth“.
More information about the project can be found here: Implications [...]

Neue Publikation: “Die Aussichten von hier aus”

In der neuen Ausgabe von factory - Magazin für nachhaltige Entwicklung, präsentieren Christine Ax, Fritz Hinterberger und Benedikt Marschütz [...] aktuelle Zahlen zu unserem Ressourcenverbrauch und zeigen wie sich der Ressourcenverbrauch die vergangenen 30 Jahre entwickelt hat und in Zukunft weiter entwickeln wird. Da sich die Ressourcenfalle schließt wird an anschaulichen Beispielen gezeigt, wie eine

“Ökotopia” now online

On young people can learn climate protection playfully.
Together with  Denkstatt, Kepion and EnGarde SERI has developed the online game “Ökotopia” , which is now available at [...]. “Ökotopia” is an online training for teenagers and pupils. There they can learn an alternative economic systen: In “Ökotopia” every product and every service must

SERI researchers invited to OECD-review as experts

Preparing the OECD economic report 2012/2013 for Austria, the Economic and Development Review Committee (EDRC) attended several meetings in Vienna between 5 and 9 November. EDRC is an OECD committee that analyses every OECD country’s economic development and thereafter formulates policy recommendations.
SERI was the only private institute that was invited to a meeting with [...]

ESEE Newsletter autumn 2012:

What types of changes in our economies do we need in order to achieve environmental sustainability and social justice? This is a question SERI researchers Ines Omann and Elke Pirgmaier addressed in their new article.
Despite the urgency of the problem, there is a lack of coherent strategies. Above all, it is questionable whether and [...]

30 may to 1 june: Green ICT for Growth and Sustainability?

Linking Science and Policy: Event within the scope of the EU project “Responder”
ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) are widely regarded as enablers of “green growth” in various sectors of the economy, but at the same time expanded technology use raises energy consumption. Hence, there are various questions regarding the effects of ICTs on sustainable development.
Various keynote speakers, namely Lorenz Erdmann, Lorenz Hilty, Peter Johnston, Inge Ropke and Vida Rozite, will talk about different issues related to this topic. Participants are welcome to get active during the panel discussions and mapping sessions.

Radio Feature: Green Economy. Environmentalism and sustainability in times of economic crisis.

Radio station Ö1 featured SERI-researcher Fritz Hinterberger, green economics expert Sigrid Stagl, sustainability manager Fred Luks and the WIFO economists Stefan Schleicher and Karl Aiginger with interviews on “Green Economics”. The feature is in German language and can be downloaded here [...].

(Deutsch) Nachhaltigkeitslabel im Handel – nachhaltig produzieren für den Handel

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch [...].

(Deutsch) Das Wachstum geht zu Ende - wegen der Kritik daran? Standard-Gastkommentar von Friedrich Hinterberger und Christine Ax

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch [...].


Highlight: Crowdfunding